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What is ELDOA?

By: Amanda Stephens, PT, DPT (Certified ELDOA Level 4 Trainer)

<-- This is Amanda doing a T6/7 ELDOA on the beach in California

So what is it?

ELDOA is a French acronym that stands for Etirements Longitudinauz avec Decoaptation Osteo Articulaire (in English that means Longitudinal axis Osteo-articular Decoaptation). It is an exercise technique created by world renown osteopath, Guy VOYER, after 35+ years of research.

The primary goal of each ELDOA exercise is to increase space in a specific joint through decompression using active muscle activation and facial tension. One major finding during Dr. VOYER’s years of research was the mapping of facial chains in the body.

(This isn't what ELDOA looks like, we just thought it was funny)

He studied the ‘tensegrity model’ of the body and was the first person to map the facial chains of the body and create exercises for those chains – this is why the entire body is involved, from the big toes to the top of the skull, in each ELDOA exercise. This is also why ELDOA can be beneficial in treating the source of any pain in the body.

I was first introduced to ELDOA through the Titleist Performance Institute. While on furlough during the start of COVID-19 I took TPI’s ‘ELDOA for Golf’ online course. ELDOA is great for rotational sports, such as golf, because of how it works globally, yet specifically, to improve joint mechanics.

As a Certified ELDOA level 4 Trainer, I have been able to use these exercises personally as well as with patients to relieve a variety of conditions including chronic pain, pain related to the menstrual cycle, improve thoracic rotation, and much more.

ELDOA has helped bridge the gap between knowing the source of pain may not actually be the location of pain and understanding exactly how the body is linked together and being able to work with those linked facial chains to decrease pain and improve how the body functions.

Follow us on Instagram (@nashvillephysicaltherapy) to see Amanda's #FasciaFriday series posts that are all about the fascia!

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